
Some cultures and ethnic backgrounds fit in better than others. Many people who are not suitable for Australian society in it's current western Liberal democratic form find their way into our country. Like white ants they quietly burrow away doing damage to the structure but not really caring- as long as they get their feed.
Any true supporter of multiculturism would accept this premise I would expect.

Some religions just don't want to fit in. Some races are very insular and refuse to integrate or learn to speak English but instead gibber on in their old ethnic tongue when in public.

I know some Germans-in all my years I have never heard them speak anything but English ( except when German visitors from O/S drop by).They arrived when they were in their 30s and spoke next to nil English- but they adapted.

Muticulturalism - like Al Grassby's ties- was very wide and covered a lot- but in doing so included a lot of white ants.

We don't want the grubs here- but to go further -if you are a refo or immigrant we don't really want you here if you bring the attitude too. Just go away and go back to the hole that you came from.
If you want to come to Australia be grateful and fit in.

I'm not a big Lib supporter but alarmingly Tony Abbot is showing more and more leadership qualities. I like the idea of Team Australia- get on board or GTFO.

As for the OP's comments regarding barbarism- this behaviour is accepted in some cultures and religions- but it would seem not so in Australia. I agree that we will have an incident arise here in Australia- it's only a matter of time-that will show how far the rot has set in.

Maybe the politically correct legion will see the error of their ways- more likely they will complain that the government is not doing enough to help these poor malcontents to fit in to the lifestyle to which they feel entitled to whilst I continue my 60 hour weeks to meet my tax liabilities in order to fund their entitlements.
I couldn't imagine what he was feeling talking on camera knowing he only has minutes to live.

I can't help think why do journalists go to these countries? Is the passion for journalism really worth risking your life?
This thread is not what I come to Somersoft for


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It is time for all decent muslims around the globe to stand up and make themselves heard.
If they are truly troubled and ashamed by what they see they need to be loud and united in their condemnation.
It is time for all decent muslims around the globe to stand up and make themselves heard.
If they are truly troubled and ashamed by what they see they need to be loud and united in their condemnation.

the muslims i know are horrified by this behaviour but what would you like them to do? stand in the middle of the street with placards?

do you apologise when people of your ethnicity or religion do atrocious things? i dont apologise for other indians or sikhs.

in europe something in the region of 3-5% of terrorist attacks are committed by muslims, i dont see you asking others to be loud and united in their condemnation
I don't think that socio-economic status can be an explanation... I believe that, in the hierarchy of the Muslim home, the mother is beneath any male child; therefore, she is not allowed to reprimand or discipline him. All the little Muslim girls in our playgroup were delightful, polite and sweet.

That's what the article was saying, it's not just the low socio-economic status, it's that combined with the mothers not being allowed to parent the sons and the father not being around to do so.

I know some Germans-in all my years I have never heard them speak anything but English
... I like the idea of Team Australia- get on board or GTFO.

Yep. Our family emigrated from Europe to Australia some 20 years ago and we immediately began learning English and speaking it to each other as soon as we could, even in private, we still do.

As far as moderate Muslims not speaking out against atrocities, I will only comment that I see quite a few facebook posts from my Muslim friends deriding Israel for what is happening in Gaza. I am yet to see one post a single thing about ISIS. It's not about waving placards, but I do wonder why the silence.
the muslims i know are horrified by this behaviour but what would you like them to do? stand in the middle of the street with placards?

do you apologise when people of your ethnicity or religion do atrocious things? i dont apologise for other indians or sikhs.

in europe something in the region of 3-5% of terrorist attacks are committed by muslims, i dont see you asking others to be loud and united in their condemnation

Problem is sanj that the hatred being directed towards muslims in western countries,rightly or wrongly,is growing very strong.
All marches/protests that are anti western are receiving massive publicity.
What I am saying is that if the majority want to settle in these countries and adopt western lifestyles then they need to be seen to condemn the extremists.
The consequences of remaining silent and appearing to agree with these radicals could prove to be tragic.
if we take a darwinistic approach we can only hope for the sake of humanity that the more advanced cultures can find the strength to crush the primal ones.
What I am saying is that if the majority want to settle in these countries and adopt western lifestyles then they need to be seen to condemn the extremists.
The consequences of remaining silent and appearing to agree with these radicals could prove to be tragic.


So you're saying some religious minority should be bowing to conform with the expectations of a racist majority or else?
I favour withdrawal of citizenship and deportation

I do not imply that we foster our scum onto another country

just remove them from Australia

If they can swim back from the 300km line, put em in the olympics
If they can't, sharks are a treasure too
There is one group of people commonly causing problems in any country they migrate to or have been living for generations. Check south-east asia like Thailand or Europe or Australia. Call me racist or whatever, but any rational person would wonder why the hell they don't want to integrate with host nations.

Which group of immigrants would ask for separate laws for them in another country? I hope Australia doesn't get overcrowded with these people because of our generous health care and social security systems.
I'm curious as to how you are able to visually differentiate between the Muslim Indians from say the Hindu (or any other religion) Indians? Same with the south east Asians etc.

No. Wouldn't have a clue? I judge how backward they are by how they make their women dress.

See ya's.

So you're saying some religious minority should be bowing to conform with the expectations of a racist majority or else?
a racist religionist minority should conform to the secular expectations of the majority.

Your head, your towel, not a problem,
try to put your towel on my head, you have health problems,

a picture:: trying to make my baby sister wear a burkha, salami teeth all over the floor.

I give up spell checker keeps turning salami into salami
Really.....they are the same...both are is in tolerant based on religion ...the other on people who are non-white (at least in Australia...but can work for any race). ;)
Speaking for myself (and maybe most "Aussies" of several generations)...

I am never intolerant of anyone based on their skin colour or religion. (I hate religion as a general because it is full of huge contradictions and falsehoods, but I happily accept other's need to have it as long as they keep it to themselves and not bash me over the head with it...I digress)....

What most of us detest; is when groups of immigrants come to our wonderful Country and don't embrace it, but rather try to merely replace what they used to have in the other Country.

The enclaves of one race/religion that are dotted around where they don't interact with anyone else but their own is what I'm getting at...

That is as much racist and ant-multiculturalism as anything else.

Most "Aussies" I know will always embrace and accept any race or colour of folk who are willing to have a go at embracing our way of life, our various weird cultures...our Australia.

If you are not doing that; or willing to do that - why come here at all?

Why try to simply replace your old life? - which was less than ideal I'm assuming.

My BIL is from India only 5 years ago, with very little English. He is now as much an Aussie as you or I, and everyone gets on with him and vice versa. He still has his culture, but he is also an Aussie.

That is all I ask of these people.