Today Tonight vs Current Affairs

every time i flick through the channels when those 2 shows are on, they cover exactly same topics.

how do they manage to do that?
One of the biggest mysteries, I believe, is why anybody still bothers to watch either show. Surely, they're thoroughly discredited and mis-named.
Do yourself a favour, change the channel and watch SBS World News, which is on at the same time. The difference between it and the commercial channels will amaze you.
Let the TV tabloid con artists on Seven and Nine die a slow and natural death.
What's really funny is when not only do they cover the exact same story, but they even manage somehow to use the exact same footage! Cann't stand either show, they are the epitany of everything that is wrong with journalism today.
Haven't watched it in years - and so refreshing.

I'd much rather go for a shower or watch "The Zoo" on Gem ... now that's a pretty good show!
I noticed too, it's kinda escalated, am thinking base line is ratings, competition..

All bets are off in the war on watermarks and news footage..

Use of a rival’s footage falls under Copyright Fair Dealing, but must not be excessive. In television it is common to at least include some repackaging and extra comment by journalists.

But last night Nine simply ran lengthy footage without embellishment. Anybody watching Nine would have assumed James Thomas had filed the story for ACA.

This comes at a time when both networks have been protective of their content, branding their footage with elaborate watermarks to identify their content. Of late, both have been guilty of disguising or dropping rival watermarks..

From earlier in the year:

A Current Affair passes off TT Story as own...
Those type of shows can work at a cracking pace. There would be some stories that are decided upon in the morning, written, filmed, edited, and on air that night. Meetings would be held in the morning to decide what they will run that night. Part of deciding on stories would involved looking at what is topical - often be looking at what the newspapers or talk back radio are covering. So it's not surprising that they sometimes do the same stories. And when there are doing their 'Special Reports' or whatever they call them, they have promos that run for days in advance, so each show would try and get the jump on the others by copying them and ideally getting on air sooner as a 'spoiler'.
every time i flick through the channels when those 2 shows are on, they cover exactly same topics.

how do they manage to do that?

I hope you are just flicking through them and not watching them.

They are hazardous to your mental will devolve into a "victim".
Today Tonight, pffrr :rolleyes:

I dont think they ever have a show without covering "whats bad to eat" and "how to deal with rising expenses".
I dont like either show but I think they can (and do) serve a purpose.

By having a show willing to grab any 'battler vs big business' story the everyday peson like you and me has a strong tool that can be used against a company if we believe we have been treated unfairly to try and get satisfaction or a resolution.

So in some ways their naming and shaming of shoddy workmen, uncaring business/banks can work in the communities favour.

Overall though they are both full or propoganda BS and fearmongering :)
I bring fantastic news, on Today Tonight this evening they are going to be telling us about how the property market is going to crash and which suburbs to avoid.

They are also going to tell us some of the suburbs that will grow too!

One woman has lost $600k from her property value :eek:

This sounds like a story that no property investor can afford to miss ;)