Soil tests - recommendations/est. costs in Perth?

Im looking to get a soil test for my block and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations in Perth?

What kind of cost should I be looking at?

I'm sorry I don't know the cost but we looked at firms not that long ago and Prompt Engineering was recommended.

Stucterre is big in this field but DH abhors them so we won't use them.

That's quite expensive, would not want to be paying this money and not going ahead with the project, that would hurt.
Hi MTR. Tell me about it! It had to be done though, as it is in an area susceptible to clay. The site was very large too (1 acre), so that is probably why it costed so much.
A little info i have collected:

Soil Companies:
  • Prompt engineering
  • Structerre

Soil Test Types:
  • S class =slighty reactive clay (slightly expensive)
  • M class = moderately reactive clay (very expensive for earthworks and updated footings/reinforcement)
  • A class= sand

Report Types:
  • A quick Borehole Soil test (Site Classification Reports) . A soil test will give you a brief description of the soil, classify it according to BCA (ie, A, S, M, H class) and specify approximate soil movement and footing specs, sand pand recommendations (if required - AS2870), site classifiaction and wind classification (AS4055.) : $1716 - Structerre or $1100 -Prompt Eng
  • Full Geotech Report :
    A full geotech report is generally only required if you have problem sites, high reactivity, poor drainage, or council require them. They break things down a lot further and specify earthworks to rectify problems. Usually about 6 or so pages long. $2500 - $3500
A slightly off topic, but helpful tip is that soil classification tests are useful when tendering out construction.

It removes a large unknown on site works and helps to give a even playing field to building prices.

HOWEVER, despite having the tests done the builder can still hit problems as the bore holes are only a sample.