One TRILLION dollars! (sorry Austin Powers)

I didn't know how much a trillion was exactly so i looked it up.
It seems like a fair bit of coin!:)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Short scale is the English translation of the French term échelle courte.[1] It refers to a system of numeric names in which every new term greater than million is 1,000 times the previous term: "billion" means "a thousand millions" (109), "trillion" means "a thousand billions" (1012), and so on. Long scale is the English translation of the French term échelle longue. It refers to a system of numeric names in which every new term greater than million is 1,000,000 times the previous term: "billion" means "a million millions" (1012), "trillion" means "a million billions" (1018), and so on.
Note that the difference between the two scales grows as numbers get larger. Million is the same in both scales, but the long-scale billion is a thousand times larger than the short-scale billion, the long-scale trillion is a million times larger than the short-scale trillion, and so on.

For most of the 19th and 20th centuries, the United Kingdom uniformly used the long scale,[2] while the United States of America used the short scale,[2] so that usage of the two systems was often referred to as "British" and "American" respectively. In 1974 the government of the UK abandoned the long scale, so that the UK now applies the short scale interpretation exclusively in mass media and official usage.[3][4][5] Although some residual usage of the long scale continues in the UK, the phrases "British usage" and "American usage" are no longer accurate or helpful characterizations. The two systems can be a subject of controversy and can arouse emotion. Usage changes can evoke resentment in adherents to the older system, while national differences of any kind can acquire patriotic overtones. [6]

Source Wikipedia
Hello somersofters, can someone help me. I do not know how to post a link. Can someone tell me?

one TRILLION dollars...

Source: The Galloping Beaver

How to make sense of $ 1 trillion

A recent estimate says that the cost of the Iraq war could exceed $ 2 trillion. It sounds enormous. It sounds impressive. But a trillion dollars means nothing - the number is so large that it is almost impossible to comprehend. So I decided to see if I could find a way to make a trillion dollars comprehensible. This is what I came up with.

1. If you stack up $ 1,000 bills, $ 1 trillion would need a pile that is 80 miles high.

2. The entire expenditure of NASA over the last 40 years has been approx. $ 600 billion

3. $ 1 trillion exceeds the world’s total military expenditures for 2004

4. $ 1 trillion is more than the combined gross revenues (not profits…but sales) of Wal Mart plus Exxon plus General Motors plus Ford Motors.

5. Assuming the United States consumes about 17 billion barrels of oil a year and assuming the cost of a barrel of oil is about $ 65, a trillion dollars will buy an entire year’s worth of oil for the USA.

6. Want to own a cruise ship? Using your $ 1 trillion, buy yourself that little boat to sail the seas…the Queen Mary 2 with accommodations for 2,620 passengers (enough room for the whole family!) In fact, you could buy a thousand QM2s (share them with your friends!) and there would even be a little left over to pay the wages of the 1,250 crew members for each ship.

7. Feel like sharing the wealth? With a population of approximately 300 million people, you could give away your $ 1 trillion by giving every man, woman and child in the U.S. $ 3,400 each. Alternatively, you could give $ 38,500 to every Iraqi living in Iraq.

8. Let’s say your working life is 40 years (from age 25 to age 65) and you work 40 hours a day, 52 weeks a year (you’re a workaholic and don’t take any vacations). If you earned $ 1 trillion during your working life, then you got paid $ 200,000 per minute.

One Trillion Dollars
One Trillion Dollars. That's how much the government's plan to fix the financial crisis is going to cost. One Trillion Dollars. An unimaginably large sum of money very roughly equivalent to the real cost of the Iraq war. ...

How Much is $8.8 Trillion?
The US deficit is $8.8 trillion ($8800000000000).
and 3.3 of that is sat in the people republic of china's treasury
and the same is sat in the indian treasury.
now if you have the uae guys holding 3.5 billion each of us dollars thats alot of dollar floating around.
they have said that if the real dollars ever came back to us that they would have a 45% inflation and sink the us.
the 00 are not really the issue its what the guys with the 00 in there account are going to do.
million, billion or trillion if people have a problem working out the 00 thats fine give me the money and let me worry about it and I will willing give 4% interest on any money you give me
$1t would be the combined wealth of just 200 people like Bill Gates.

Over $1t changes hands EVERY DAY on the world's forex (currency exchange) markets.
Next stop ... quadrillion

BTW .....We're already hearing "trillions" so ...the next one after "trillion" is "quadrillion". That's a thousand trillion. Once the gov. sets up their Resolution Trust Corporation (aka the toxic waste dump) and the "Masters of the Universe" on Wall Street start getting their toxic assets off their balance sheets and into the "dump" ... we'll probably get there. Nobody has ANY idea how large the real problem is.
$1t would be the combined wealth of just 200 people like Bill Gates.

Nope - try 20. Bill and Warren are worth about 50 Billion each. 1000 / 50 = 20, not 200.

It would take 200 James Packers at 5 Billion a pop. Bill is 10x as wealthy as James.

Doesn't matter but - they both only eat 3 square meals a day.
..Doesn't matter but - they both only eat 3 square meals a day.

Exactly ... before your very eyes, in the greastest (?) institutions of the greatest (?) nation on the planet is proof is just a created concept and it's all just a big game.
PS If you think "this one" is BIG ...just wait till these guys get their hands on the global carbon trading.