Obtaining established building plans?

First ask the RE Agent, quite often they have the plans & most are happy to ask the vendor if they have a copy.

If the vendor doesn't have a copy of the plans - tell the RE Agent that you are interested in buying the property but won't consider it without seeing the plans - see if the vendor will fork out the cash to get as copy before you spend money on it :)

If this doesn't work, try the council (you may get very lucky) and then the state land titles office - for NSW: http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/


I've always been able to get mine thru council. Costs around $50 to get copies of all plans.

Will vary from council to council no doubt...


Hi sbe

$50.00 !! gee mine cost me $10 and I thought that was alot for a simple photocopy.

Guess it wasn't.
Well, now I feel ripped off.

Yes, it's a lot for a photocopy.

I was told mine was more because they had to go to storage to get it. Seems to depend on age of house. Recent plans on site = cheaper....
My council told me my contract has to be unconditional before I can get the plans. How am I suppose to show an architect a plan if I cant get them? How ridiculous.

If you have a contract, take that and talk nicely.

If you dont, go there and explain the situation. You may need written authority from the vendor - whioch would make sense. I wouldn't want you getting my house plans without me knowing.
I have a contract, they are saying until the house sale is settled (money has changed hands) I cant get them.

Point taken SBE, but Im not going to buy a house either unless I have seen all appropriate documentation. I personally dont care if people see the plans of my houses if it means a sale.
Hi there.

Are you getting a bldg inspection? They will be able to get you a copy from the council. On the form requesting the plans, there was something for the vendors permission, but the bldg insp company did all that.
To save yourself some stress, it may be easier to get the agent arrange for the vendor to get the plans, and you reimburse costs.

{Soapbox on}
I find it stupid that part of selling a house, all manuals, plans, permits etc are not handed over. Bloody silly really.
{Soapbox off}

If I were selling my house (as did happen when I did sell my house), the purchaser got all plans, manuals etc. No use to me anymore...


Hi there.

I just remembered that I put a clause in the contract regarding the house plans. It was called a bldg records search and it was done by the bldg insp company.