New build 3 or 4 bedroom ?

Hi All

Just wanting peoples opinion on a new build we are doing as our next IP.

We have a block 265 sqm and can either fit a 3 bed 2 bathroom home with about 4 meters for the backyard or -
A 4 bed 2 bathroom with an alfresco but only 2 meters for the backyard for approx. $10,000 more.

Rents probably a little more with the 4 bed but would people like a small backyard and also resale value ?

Cheers Mick
Hi Mick

I would think that in general people would pay more for a 4 bedroom house and a smaller backyard than a 3 bedroom house and a bigger back yard.

Like you said the rent will be higher too.

Hi zxtc,

Have you considered going two storey to increase the backyard size on the block?
This has worked more effectively for us previously with not too much more expense in the long term scheme of things.
Hard to answer without know more about demographics of the area, and who your target market will be. Is this in general suburbia where families with kids occupy the neighbouring homes, or is it closer to city where units blocks and childless professionals tend to occupy ? If in general suburbia I think the four bed option is a bit crammed for yard space, unless you have a park nearby. Others may have a different view. They both look good designs for an IP though.
Thanks for the replys :)
The area is Blakes Crossing at Blakeview which is outer suburbs but a semi premium development.
Land is prob a 3 min walk from the park.


Cheers Mick
Worth get feedback from a good local agent prior to committing. Each have their merits so maybe no right or wrong. If its a small block but semi-premium area it could be also worth looking into a two-story job with a project builder like the OP suggested.