How to Print Individual Posts

Can someone please help???

I would like to print several individual posts in different threads. I have used links within a post to go to the individual post and print it out. But if the post I want to print doesn't have a link from within another post, how do I go about printing the individual post/s???

(I hope this makes sense ... :confused: )

(I hope this makes sense ... :confused: )
It doesn’t really…… :confused:

But if you want to print out an individual post, click on the post #, next to the kudos scales on the top right hand corner of the post. It will then open up a new window, containing that post only. You can then print that out.

Although I’m not sure that is what you are asking. :eek:

Yes, it was what I was asking - and works a treat. You have no idea how frustrated I was getting at trying to print out a single post and ending up with a mound of paper, most of which I didn't want.

Thank you for saving my sanity! :)
