Commercial property research

Well I may be going over to the "dark side" into commercial property investment.
I have never thought much about it so I will be buring myself in all the commercial forum posts to :D
Hi Brenda.....I thought you were full on into shares now ??

Looks like that carpark experience in the big smoke of Brissy had some affect...;)
LOL, funny you should say that, it does contain some carparking. :D

It is dual retail with carparking. Pretty steep price (to my mind) and I have no info yet on the lease yields or terms but both are tenanted.

So who should I see first, a solicitor or an accountant to start a company or a trust? I would only be buying jointly with hubby but should do it in some sort of setup to minimise any litigation issues from outsiders, yes?
Good luck with this Brenda, there's more than enough resources here for you (see Sticky above!). Chris Lang's course is also coming up in March (in Melbourne) which would be good too, or I think you can also buy the DVD set instead.