90 dat in writing PM termination

90 day in writing PM termination

I think the horse might have bolted here but i thought I'd check.

Rellies of our secretary have a rental property and have signed the agreement which requires a 90 day termination of PM services.

The PM was poached from agency 1; went to agency 2 (and took this property with her (looks like the paperwork is all in order) has not enjoyed her time there and moved to agency 3.


Landlords want her to keep looking after the property (through agency 3) but agency 2 is saying it's a 90 day in writing termination, ( being difficult about it -"you'll be paying two commissions" sort of stuff). Property is vacant and might remain so if agency 2 is "given notice."

Any ideas about how to get out of agency two's clutches?
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I have never had a problem changing PM's when a property is empty, however if they want to be a nuisance you could perhaps tell them that you want to take it off their books temporarily so you can renovate?