dual occupancy house same granny flat?

I have seen a fair bit of ads lately from a builder (forgot the name at the moment) which shows the design for 2 units in 1 house.

question is, is the smaller unit actually considered granny flat or is it still treated as part a single dwelling. they don't advertise it as a granny flat. just mention potential 2 rents.

reason I'm asking is, if it's considered 1 house only with a unique design, can you still build ancillary dwelling also? it would be awesome cash flow you got a block big enough
something bit like this


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The smaller unit will be approved as a attached granny flat the main dwelling. It will be under 1 title for the 2 unit and I dont see this can be subdivided/strata titled like a duplex.

In NSW, you can have max 60m2, but i believe in WA you're allowed bigger size GF.
Does anyone know how this would work in QLD...?

If i was to build an attached second dwelling (2x1) on our existing PPR (3x1)?




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