Anti-depressants - are they worth it?

Anti-depressants - are they worth it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 58.1%
  • No - stay away from them

    Votes: 31 41.9%

  • Total voters
Anti-depressants are only "worth it" if you are clinically depressed. I believe (and I have had experience with this issue) that it is worthwhile trying other avenues of treatment first, such as relaxation, meditation, counselling/psychology first. However, if you are struggling/cant get up in the morning, have thoughts of harming yourself, or your low mood is ruining relationships with your wife/children/friends then it is a path well worth following. Your GP should test you with a mental health examination, and determine from that your level of depression.

Keep in mind anti-depressants don't necessarily have to be taken long term, sometimes you just need a little help to kick-start, or get over the mountain you just cant seem to climb. For example, many women take them short-term after having a baby to counteract post-natal depression, to help them see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Also, some anti-depressants have side-effects on some people, such as affecting sleeping patterns, weight gain, and altering your libido. For the clinically depressed some of these side effects are worth the improvement in mood, for others its can make your mood worse. And you wont really know until you have tried them, and there are many alternatives available.

Why not get along to your GP, discuss your feelings, have the mini-mental exam and other medical testing (ie blood tests etc) and see how you go? You don't have to start anti-depressants until you are ready, but consider what the Dr says. Just dont let your mood get so low that you dont even have the motivation to go to the Dr, or seek help. And remember, you Dr will keep everything you say confidential.

Hope that helps. Good luck!
During my uni days I went through a period of about 6-12 months where I was seriously stressed and down and couldn't see how the clouds were going to lift. So I went to the doctor and he all too quickly prescribed me Zoloft (a common anti-depressant).

I went home and took one and BAM! had a nasty allergic reaction worthy of a trip to hospital. I took it as a sign: instead of going back to the doctor and asking for a new drug, I joined the gym, stopped drinking so much, slept more sensible hours, ate better food and also started doing a bit of daily meditation. I felt back to normal - better than normal, in fact - in a very short time.

Sometimes it really is that simple. Of course, I'm not a doctor and I'm not inside your head, so I don't know how dark it is in there. If you're feeling a bit close to the edge, get some drugs into you ASAP! Haha. But if you just feel you're in a mild but long-term funk, why not try exercise, meditation and a healthy lifestyle, first?
Depression is not stress, feeling down or overwhelmed when on it's own. It can be situational (Reactive Depression) but not always.

If you have some or all of these symptoms to any significant degree you should see your Doctor. When Depression hits, you usually can't go to the gym, take vitamins, change your attitude, etc, to fix it.

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. A bleak outlook—nothing will ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation.

Loss of interest in daily activities. No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. You’ve lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure.

Appetite or weight changes. Significant weight loss or weight gain—a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month.

Sleep changes. Either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping (also known as hypersomnia).

Irritability or restlessness. Feeling agitated, restless, or on edge. Your tolerance level is low; everything and everyone gets on your nerves.
Loss of energy. Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete.

Self-loathing. Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.

Concentration problems. Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.

Unexplained aches and pains. An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain.
look to be honest, my best friend and another good friend are claiming to be depressed, they take one or more of xanax, zoloft, valium, and one has been in rehab for alcoholism, my girlfriend is clinical nurse who works in a depression clinic, so I have seen most of hte side affects.

this is going to sound very insensitive, however, a few years ago, my weight was getting a bit too high, I was financially broke, i had a nice girlfriend (not the same one as current), I couldnt go out with friends due to the financial retstraints, and I felt like crap everyday. One day in my own self pity a friend of mine said to me "look, stop being a self pitying *****, get off your butt, join a gym, work your butt off and pay off your debts, none of us want to listen to your continual ********, if you can't handle reality go to the kerb and curl up and die, you got youtself into this mess, you get out of it!"

this was the wake up call I needed, I joined a gym, lost 20% of my bodyweight, paid off my debts, found new hobbies that were free/cheap, found ways to earn extra $$ here and have never looked back since.

i find that my friends who are always complaining and indulging in self pity and blaming other people and other medications for their problems arent doing themselves any good and arent getting better from within.

there are times at my lowest of lows that I didn't feel like getting up, hell I don't feel like getting up everyday now!, I must admit, i am teh grumpiest person in the morning (a few people have suggested depression, but I just accept that I dont function in the mornings), however, the knowledge of me staying in bed and wasting a perfectly good day was enough ammunition to get up and do something

OVERWHELMED: im not saying anti depressants are no good, but from my limited experience, there is nothing more powerful then power within you!! Naturally, ive never had a relative die of cancer before their time, or have a disabled child or have lost a limb or something extreme so I cant comment on those types of situations,

but feeling physically good about yourself can be 10 times better then any pill!

sorry if ive offeneded anyone!
my hints.

1) drop alcohol. completely. all of it. alcohol compounds depression.

2) remember, you can choose how to react to a situation. don't let situations control you and be a master of your emotions.

3) do no harm. that means to others and yourself, and includes self-hating thought patterns, yelling at others, etc on top of the regular physical stuff.

4) as the primary bread winner, what is good for you is good for your family. in times like this you MUST put yourself first.

5) it's just money and paper. call the ATO and explain to them your situation and they will give you time. one phonecall, it's not much.

6) procrastination of problems leads to compounding of problems - one at a time.
I couldn't choose either one. I don't think pills are a quick and easy solution, or sometimes required. Sometimes they are needed, sometimes not. Sometimes it takes counselling by itself, fresh air and rest.
look to be honest, my best friend and another good friend are claiming to be depressed, they take one or more of xanax, zoloft, valium, and one has been in rehab for alcoholism, my girlfriend is clinical nurse who works in a depression clinic, so I have seen most of hte side affects.

The thing is someone can be depressed and you'd never know it. Others that look depressed may not be. And a depressed person can be on medication and you'd never know it.

I've been working in this field for years and can't tell if someone's taking SSRI's. Benzodiazapines are not prescribed for Depression.

Perhaps the side effects you see are those from Benzodiazapines withdrawl (which can occur whilst on them, as well as off for up to a year or more after taking them :eek:).

Anyway, it's good to see a few people here have never been depressed.
The thing is someone can be depressed and you'd never know it. Others that look depressed may not be. And a depressed person can be on medication and you'd never know it.

I've been working in this field for years and can't tell if someone's taking SSRI's. Benzodiazapines are not prescribed for Depression.

Perhaps the side effects you see are those from Benzodiazapines withdrawl (which can occur whilst on them, as well as off for up to a year or more after taking them :eek:).

Anyway, it's good to see a few people here have never been depressed.

answer me this please Weg

I ve noticed that the term "ive got depression" "I am depressed" is used and thrown around a crapload more then when I was young, and im not that old at all for the record.

I find that a lot of people (like what is more and more common in todays society about not taking responsbiiity for your own actions and blaming others), just label themselves as above, and just willow in self pity or even think its cool or trendy.

Has 21st century life actually become so stressful and full of pressure that people are genuinely getting more depressed or is it just seen as a scapegoat and a trendy thing to self diagnose or simply label yourself in order for sympathy or special consideration or some other benefit.

admittedly, even my girlfriend reckons that most of myfriends arent depressed, they just think they are, and have all become just miserable people who can't handle their self perceived stressful life. and to be honest, NONE of these people have ANYTHING to be remotely stressed about!!! that i can attest to!
answer me this please Weg

I ve noticed that the term "ive got depression" "I am depressed" is used and thrown around a crapload more then when I was young, and im not that old at all for the record.

I find that a lot of people (like what is more and more common in todays society about not taking responsbiiity for your own actions and blaming others), just label themselves as above, and just willow in self pity or even think its cool or trendy.

Has 21st century life actually become so stressful and full of pressure that people are genuinely getting more depressed or is it just seen as a scapegoat and a trendy thing to self diagnose or simply label yourself in order for sympathy or special consideration or some other benefit.

admittedly, even my girlfriend reckons that most of myfriends arent depressed, they just think they are, and have all become just miserable people who can't handle their self perceived stressful life. and to be honest, NONE of these people have ANYTHING to be remotely stressed about!!! that i can attest to!

I agree with your first statement. Apparently pets can even get depressed these days.
6) procrastination of problems leads to compounding of problems - one at a time.
When it gets this bad its often more than procrastination, it is hiding from problems. I've done both at different times (I'm a shocking procrastinator). Actual proper procrastination usually leads to last-minute syndrome not completely missing deadlines that you know you should meet but ... you just can't. In hindsight I was probably depressed at that particular point in my life but didn't seek help or even consider that was the problem at all. As I said in the other thread that was nearly 10 years ago now and I am currently in a lovely warm fuzzy happy place (be happier if they finished my damn house though) and very glad that is all so far behind me now. Which makes me a bit wary of people wily nily self-diagnosing as depressed cos if you're REALLY there you're not exactly capable of self diagnosis.

As to antidepressants, never taken em so can't comment. My partner on the other hand was prescribed a common antidepressant for his anxiety. It did nothing but kill his metabolism and make him put on 15kg in a very short time (that's a lot when you're 65kg) so they took him off them. Now, those fast acting valium equivalent happy pills they give you for anxiety attacks ... THOSE work. And they're very addictive. But I'd hope they don't just prescribe those to anyone, they're like drunk in a tablet.
I find that a lot of people (like what is more and more common in todays society about not taking responsbiiity for your own actions and blaming others), just label themselves as above, and just willow in self pity or even think its cool or trendy.

Do you have any close friends or rellies with clinical depression?

I suffer chronic fatigue and this is depressing because it is persistent and GPs don't take anything seriously if they cant write a prescription for it. But I do not suffer depression. So why am I prescribed anti-depressants?

Depression, like many things, is often thought to be a haven for malingerers but you must ask yourself if there isn't a large element of "blokes admitting frailties" and speaking out? I think this is so.

The term "black dog" scares me.
answer me this please Weg

I ve noticed that the term "ive got depression" "I am depressed" is used and thrown around a crapload more then when I was young, and im not that old at all for the record.

I find that a lot of people (like what is more and more common in todays society about not taking responsbiiity for your own actions and blaming others), just label themselves as above, and just willow in self pity or even think its cool or trendy.

Has 21st century life actually become so stressful and full of pressure that people are genuinely getting more depressed or is it just seen as a scapegoat and a trendy thing to self diagnose or simply label yourself in order for sympathy or special consideration or some other benefit.

admittedly, even my girlfriend reckons that most of myfriends arent depressed, they just think they are, and have all become just miserable people who can't handle their self perceived stressful life. and to be honest, NONE of these people have ANYTHING to be remotely stressed about!!! that i can attest to!

I can't speak for your friends, they may or may not be depressed - I don't think they would necessarily be a snapshot of your average depressed person anyway.

From my experience most people don't go around claiming to be depressed, and not many of the depressed are alcoholics or take valium (even though many alcoholics are actually depressed).

What I do know for certain is the suicide rate is too high (I think higher than the road toll) and far too many people suffer needlessly when treatment is available.

I think you're confusing stressed people with clinically depressed people.
I can't speak for your friends, they may or may not be depressed - I don't think they would necessarily be a snapshot of your average depressed person anyway.
yes fair enough, but my comment about the term being used more was a snapshot of a general consenous. eg people that I meet, through work/social, parents talking about their kids being depressed, my elderly parents' friends getting depressed for the first time in their 50s, 60s and 70s

I think you're confusing stressed people with clinically depressed people.
not quite, the thing is, im no doctor nor an expert, but when I was growing up, I thought the term depressed was an adjective used by young people to express a crappy day, in todays age, when I refer to people who are depressed, are the ones that outright tell me that they are either clinically depressed, or depressed (medically speaking) and not as in having a bad day, I must admit, once in a blue moon, I will use the term and say "geez im having a depressing day" or as a joke to my girlfriend , "today I got a speeding fine, parking fine, late fees, plus I gained 2kg in weight, plus I scratched my car, I think ill get depressed:D"
Dear Weg,
At one time or another almost every human being has at least one of those simptoms.
Going to a doctor to get mind numbing drugs may be the answer that puts money in people pockets.
Just like drugging out kids because they are too lively because parents cant handle them.
Suicide is up, and so is the taking of these pills.
Drug numbing people's brains is not the answer imo,only a last case resort.
Property Meister, you are insensitive.

There are people out there who are ill and need help. They do not need your approval before accessing that help.