Search results

  1. T

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Oh *light goes on* The Warren doesn't include Warren Road. Yeah there are a few crappy roads in Marrickville that we're trying to avoid. I'll keep researching & PM you any potentials :) thanks :D
  2. T

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    which area of marrickville do you think is the best? I've heard lots about the Warren Rd area but can't see what's so great about it. Other parts eg. Illawarra Road, I'm not all that fussed about (v. narrow road, danger of getting your car scraped)...
  3. T

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    thanks for the quick response. We've looked at a couple of places in the last few months that have been RIGHT under the flightpath... I'd go nuts too. I've been reading up on various homeowners opinions... some who live in Sydenham reckon that the outside of the house goes black from the...
  4. T

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    we are looking into the sydenham/marrickville/st peters area, although rather concerned about being under a flight path. My parents have mentioned the possibility of fuel dumping, or the hydrocarbons in the atmosphere... anyone have any thoughts on the health aspects of living in these suburbs?