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  1. steveadl

    Property doubles every 14 years, not every 7

    I'm still in there buying atm. No necessarily at the low point of the market anymore, but still some good yields to be found around the place.
  2. steveadl

    Property doubles every 14 years, not every 7

    I call them inexperienced because they continually refer to the property market as one big beast that will only have one direction. And you pretty much do the same now mate. I'm a property bull yes, but do you hear me preaching from the rooftops that 'the D&G'ers are wrong, all property is in...
  3. steveadl

    Property doubles every 14 years, not every 7

    *sigh* yes of course, I keep forgetting - every property is going to drop right? No property will experience growth in the next couple years, so there's no point in discussing property in a positive light right? You really are an experienced investor aren't you? :rolleyes: Back to reading...
  4. steveadl

    Property doubles every 14 years, not every 7

    I wonder why the hardcore D&G'ers bother full stop (referring to newbies who preach from post one without any history - not regular members who contribute often and just happen to be down on property at this particular point in time). They must have a huge sense of social responsibility to...