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  1. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Sorry, forgot Victoria Road. It's a bugger in peak hour. Send links by email, Tess - I don't always remember to look at my PMs.
  2. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Warren Road is lousy. So is Illawarra. And Sydenham. And Addison. And Petersham. And Livingston. All carry lots of traffic. But interspersed are some good streets. It's like all suburbs, you can have a good street and then one block away, running parallel, you can have a lousy one. You really...
  3. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Yep, I suspect that if you lived in Sydenham you would be hanging your washing out the dry in the yard. There is one street where tiles have been lifted of fthe rooves of some houses by planes. Sydenham isn't great. I've long been a fan of Marrickville - bigger backyards on average than...
  4. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Planes don't dump fuel over houses. Unless they are in real strife, in which case a bit of fuel would be the least of your worries. This is a big area: And much of it isn't under a flight path at all. Planes going over Sydenham in particular are so low that their footprint isn't very wide...
  5. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Crikey, Ian, $530 for an unrenovated place on that road is nuts. You're dad is doing well. I saw a queue on the weekend outside a rental property opening for inspection. Yes, Ajax, there are definitely some lousy parts of Marrickville. It's the biggest suburb in the inner west and has a huge...
  6. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    That's great, Kris. Nearest cafe to you would be The Marrickville Road cafe - best coffee on the strip I reckon. If there were only 3 planes in an hour, they must have been take-offs i.e. you're under the landing flight path. And planes now take off so steeply that they don't make much noise...
  7. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    There would be more plane noise down where Kris is looking because they get some noise from planes landing there. Still not as bad as Tempe, Sydneham and parts of Leichhardt. In Warren Road you would get some takeoff noise, but with the noise sharing regime it's only the occiasional plane.
  8. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Kris PMd me. I'm going to check out those streets for her. Shouldn't be too much plane noise there. Close to a great primary school, if that's of any interest. A bit far from the station - 15 minute walk. Parking would be okay, though. Five years ago there were parts of Marrickville that I...
  9. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Yeah, Lakemba is a fair way away - twenty minute drive on a good day. It would be called 'southwest' and I suspect prices would have been hit there. It's completely different in every way. Marrickville got the Greeks in the 50s and the Vietnamese in the 70s. Lakemba got more troublesome later...
  10. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    I think part of the attaction for Marrickville is the block size. That's certainly what is attracting families. Toward Enmore, though, blocks gets smaller. And yes, there tends to be more plane noise over that way. The most sought after part of Marrickville is 'The Warren'. It's part of south...
  11. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Gays have also moved into Marrickville - it gets the Newtown gay overflow. It's always good for a suburb when the gay population discover it.
  12. D

    Marrickville - Opinions please

    Marrickville is still holding up from what I can tell. As Evand said, it's classed as Inner West. It is a suburb that has gone through heaps of changes in the last 5 years - lots of younger people with money moving in (adjacent suburbs Newtown/Enmore are getting pricey and people are heading for...