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  1. T

    Land Tax Question

    I have a land tax question for my friend. He had property A as PPOR until 2013. In 2011, he bought a block of land to build his future PPOR (Property B). In 2013, he moved to B and converted A into IP. He has been told by land tax office that - he is liable for land tax for B between 2011...
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    Viewing old threads

    How do I view Threads in the past? When I go back page by page, it doesnt go beyond 250 pages. eg viewing someone's posts in the past, etc
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    What do you think of this IP?

    What are your thoughts on this property? It was on the market for so long (at least a few months) but it is sold now. Don't know what the sold price was. Could that be a good investment as buy and hold? What would you have improved...
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    Risk management in IP

    I have read a lot of experienced investors talking about risk management and how important it is, etc, but I couldn't find much information in the forum. I would like to know what kind of risks are there for a residential property investor with buy and hold, or buy-renovate-hold focus. What are...
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    PM in Nth Brisbane

    I am looking for a PM in north brisbane. Please kindly recommend me any good PM. Thanks.
  6. T

    Payments to LOC

    I have an IP loan (loan A) and LOC(loan B). The rent goes to my PPOR offset account. The interest (eg 2k per month) for both loan A and B are taken out of B. 1. If I deposit 2k to loan B, would it be considered by ATO as interest payment or principle payment? The overall loan amount doesn't...
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    Mortgage trusts and serviceability

    Hi all I?ve read a little bit about Mortgage Trust and how it can be used for asset protection by having second mortgage with the trust. It seems to be a good way, but it?s unclear how it will affect serviceability, and I couldn?t find any information in the forum at all. Let?s say I...
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    Claiming purchasing/borrowing costs from PPOR turned investment

    I recently converted my PPOR of 2yr into investment. I would like to know what purchasing expenses I am eligible to claim pro rata or full in my situation. For example, solicitor fees, pest/building inspection, borrowing costs, ect.
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    Help with bathroom walls

    Dear members I am thinking of renovating the bathroom in my IP. It has walls similar to the pic attached. Could you please tell me what kind of material it is? Is it better to replace them with plasterboard, waterproof and put tile/glass or can I just put tile/glass over it? Is there...