Recent content by Dan_p

  1. Dan_p

    Can you walk into a pub on your own ?

    I will be going to dinner and a pub by myself tonight, traveling due to work. I have no issue doing this, very easy to meet and talk to people in Darwin. On the other hand I don't think I would like to go to a pub in suburban sydney, everyone knows each other and if your not in the group...
  2. Dan_p

    The secret to my success

    I think thats the secret
  3. Dan_p

    The secret to my success

    I'm not after the secret to improve my investing. I am curious to know futuramas secret. The title of the story is The Secret to my success, and it doesn't deliver:mad: Its a top thread, but whats the point. So many riddles. Just tell us.
  4. Dan_p

    The secret to my success

    Gee Whiz, that took me three days to get through this thread, in between work and still nothing conclusive. If its a secret I doubt it will be revealed. What is it you are trying to say?
  5. Dan_p

    How to buy undervalue property

    I think different personality types comes into this as well. I bet your a good planned, plan everything to the last detail. I do homework, when something feels right then I just go for it. If I waited a year on the first couple I bought, then i would have lost $100k each :) How long did...
  6. Dan_p

    How to buy undervalue property

    That must be the slow learners method ;) 100 times without any action, I reckon you would talk yourself out of it by the end. How long would that take anyhow for someone who works regularly? a couple of years with my work schedule.
  7. Dan_p

    Buying "Under market value" and giving low ball offers

    What about places like Perth? with a big mining downturn after so many high income earners bought properties they can no longer keep?
  8. Dan_p

    Buying "Under market value" and giving low ball offers

    Thanks Leo, I will certainly look into this.
  9. Dan_p

    Buying "Under market value" and giving low ball offers

    Can you recommend some good negotiation books? I would be keen to brush up a few skills here, not only for investing but with relationships as well ;)
  10. Dan_p

    Paid magazines?

    Your Investment Property Magazine is a wonderful magazine, especially for when you are starting out. They have some great goal setting and case studies and Nila Sweeney is a lovely person and editor.:)
  11. Dan_p

    Dodgy Real Estate Agent won't hand over the ledger

    The Real estate agent told our tenant there are funds set aside for loses such as this, so I presume there is such an account in NSW also
  12. Dan_p

    Dodgy Real Estate Agent won't hand over the ledger

    He is doing exactly that already, brother opened a new company in the same name in a different suburb. I bet the same thing happens there as well. Fair trading know about it.
  13. Dan_p

    Dodgy Real Estate Agent won't hand over the ledger

    Fair Trading has taken over this guys business now. Heard stories of some owners being owed $9k in rent, even our tenant couldn't stop the direct debit because of being overseas. Its a bit of a mess
  14. Dan_p

    Dodgy Real Estate Agent won't hand over the ledger

    After hearing every excuse imaginable about the delay in rent payments we finally went to fair trading late last week. I lodged it in the morning and within two hours fair trading called me to let me know it has been escalated to the highest level. I believe there are a number of landlords...
  15. Dan_p

    Why was 'The Fence' Banned? :(

    and what about Evand? Somersoft is becoming politically correct:(