Recent content by babushka

  1. B

    CGT and depreciation

    Thanks Paul@PFI, for the clarification. Property was bought after May 1997, so both depreciation items would have to be adjusted against the purchase price for CGT then.
  2. B

    CGT and depreciation

    Thanks, coastymike, for the reply. Am a bit thick here, about the terminology. But, do you mean that both depreciation items (depreciable plant & equipment and building / capital works) will have to be subtracted from the purchase / cost base?
  3. B

    CGT and depreciation

    I have a similar / related question on this topic - CGT and depreciation. Have just sold an IP. I understand that the CGT = sale price - adjusted cost base. Depreciation has been claimed as tax deductible expense over the years. So, depreciation must be subtracted from cost base for CGT...
  4. B

    Q: Buyers ask to access property before settlement

    Thanks, Scott, for your suggestions. Hubby decided that we will tell buyers to sign a rental / lease agreement (like you suggested) with a nominal amount of rent - with us agreeing for them to put in new flooring, but we want indemnity and evidence of insurance (not just cover note). But, if...
  5. B

    Q: Buyers ask to access property before settlement

    Thanks, Peter, for your views. I have done a bit more research on this question, and found some mixed views. Some sellers would only allow limited access to measure & quote (but not to move things in or make modifications). Some would allow possession before settlement with certain terms &...
  6. B

    Q: Buyers ask to access property before settlement

    We have sold one of our investment properties. The contract was exchanged this week for settlement in mid-December. The buyers (via their solicitor) have asked if they could access the house to mow the lawns, store their things in the house, and put in new floor covering. What should we do as...
  7. B

    Q on changing PM

    Thanks, Russell. I will send you a PM shortly.
  8. B

    Market valuation for non-resident CGT

    Thanks, Propertunity, for your offer. I have sent you a PM with the house address.
  9. B

    Q on changing PM

    Thanks, Sez and Crystalclear, for your views. Really appreciated your thoughts, Sez. I have been struggled with how to deal with the situation best, and your reply helped me. I will contact Russell Peter.
  10. B

    Q on changing PM

    I am on the verge of deciding on changing PM in Brisbane area. I got a new PM last year (a large chain) and have been very disappointed at the ways they have managed our property. Since I am far away and cannot fly to Brisbane to interview potential PM, so I have been looking at the...
  11. B

    Market valuation for non-resident CGT

    I will be selling a house in the Maitland area NSW. Since I am a non-resident for tax purposes, I need to get a couple of market valuations for the property as at 8th May 2012 (when the Budget removed discount on CGT for non-residents). Should I just get a few RE agents (including the selling...
  12. B

    Property Management authority form

    A security deposit is the rental bond which a tenant has to pay when signing the lease agreement to rent a property. It is normally equivalent to 4 weeks rent or a calendar months rent. The money pays to the real estate agent who then pays it into a government authority. At the end of the...
  13. B

    help with choosing bt 2 property managers

    Thanks, guys. I got the message!
  14. B

    help with choosing bt 2 property managers

    Long time no posting! I need help with choosing between 2 property managers in Melbourne. Current property agent is a large RE, but I have not been happy with their services. So, I am looking to change agent - been thinking of going with a non-chain RE company. These 2 companies are on my...
  15. B

    Brisbane heating up??

    Thanks, Tim86 and JT7. Just want a perspective. Have an IP which has been vacant for a while - just had things done to spruce it up (eg painting and carpet etc). So, thought maybe it is time to sell as there is no tenant and property is looking fresh and good. Also, wanting to change agent...