Recent content by albanga

  1. albanga

    End of an Era

    Did my wife email you and ask to to give her husband back?? In all seriousness Joined this forum 1 year ago and have learnt more from it than I could ever have imagined but still have not even scratched the surface. I really hope this community continues and along with thanking Jan and Ian I...
  2. albanga

    Another IP Structure Thread

    Hi All, Sorry to keep banging on about structures but I do believe it's one of the most important aspects to property and likely the biggest most get wrong. So this question is regarding the best structure in the instance you own 1 single IP. This means no PPOR and no Split/LOC facility (we...
  3. albanga

    'Medico' package (85%+ LVR with no LMI) for IT workers

    Well New Idea did cover their wedding and as his best man I made one of the photos. Might walk into the bank with my copy from 2011, point to my picture and say "I want an IP, heard celebs get 90% no LMI"
  4. albanga

    'Medico' package (85%+ LVR with no LMI) for IT workers

    What constitutes a celebrity? My best mate was on series2 of the block, does he qualify? But on a serious note when the show was rating well, we did skip the line to get into Star Bar one night, no LMI waiver but it was a long line.........
  5. albanga

    Formula for calculating required growth on a negative investment?

    Hey Accountants, I was just curious as to what formula you would use to calculate the required capital growth to offset a negative cashflow investment to break even. So the annual loss which would take into account all income received (rent & depreciation) minus all expenses. For...
  6. albanga

    Using BA in a hot market...

    How wide is your net? If you have an idea of say a 20km radius then I would suggest getting on the front foot and putting together a propery profile and get it in the hands of as many REA's as you can. On a Saturday you could get it to 30+ agents no worries. Once a propery gets listed your...
  7. albanga

    Council *Shakes Head*

    Haha love the story's! Common sense Almost never prevails! @FFCHaser - no I handled it myself which is why I won I think. I took it to two independent town planners who both told me I had little chance. On my first attempt they said NO because I would be taking away on street parking (my...
  8. albanga

    Costs involved in buying existing property as a newbie investor in NSW ?

    Tobe/Redom do you say 12% deposit as opposed to 10% as that is the sweet LMI spot?
  9. albanga

    Loan Contamination

    @Terry, thank you very much for all your response and wisdom on this topic, your work on these forums are truly appreciated. Next time I come to Sydney I will need to buy you a scotch (on the rocks of course, not mixed with anything ;)
  10. albanga

    Council *Shakes Head*

    Just a quick little story for this Thursday. I recently battled tooth and nail with my local council to get a second crossover approved on my planning permit. After pulling of a miracle I was successful. My PP has been amended and also approval for second crossover done. Today my wife sends...
  11. albanga

    Loan Contamination

    haha touche. But putting the analogy aside for a second and going back to scenario 2, if this happens is this a big issue if you immediately move the funds into redraw. This is the part I am having trouble with understanding, yes it has become contaminated but surely common sense prevails and...
  12. albanga

    Loan Contamination

    This post grew legs since I last checked! @Terry - I really do understand the concept but the last thing I just want to clarify is in those scenarios when the banks do automatically place the top-up into an offset, what is the outcome in the following scenarios: 1 - New lender and a new...
  13. albanga

    Area Assessment Templates

    Hey All, Anyone have an area assessment template they use for performing due diligence during suburb selection? I have a heap of things I look at both never bothered to document it correctly. Might be a good idea to start but was keen to see if anyone else had something that could help me...
  14. albanga

    RAMS Cash Out Policy on IP?

    Thanks everyone, very much appreciated.
  15. albanga

    borrowing capacity

    The 150 properties was a long time ago in a very different market. To answer your question though it was achieved using very CF+ properties and a lot of vendor financing. Both those strategies in today's landscape are very hard to implement. Keep in mind if you purchase for CF then you usually...