The next 10 years: Prediction of the market

I found this . Its probably similar to 1965 if you include dual income (which was rare in 1965)


But it is actually more affordable now in Melbourne............
umm yeah nah bro


On the one hand there's expectations and the other there's the reality in this day and age for FHBs.

No difference from other generations.

People need to keep on lowering their expectations until it meets their reality.

Problem is in this age with immediate gratification, instant communication, easy money etc young people falsely think it's the other way round and a matter of changing their reality.
Good for you.

Hope you don't fall behind inflation in your area of desire.

Good luck.

cheers mate. i think saving 3k a week is slightly ahead of inflation so im not super worried. I am looking everyday but the type of property im looking for in the areas i like only come up maybe 10 times a year. so ill wait patiently.
Yea im sure he does. Hes the one who can afford 50% deposit on a 1st home but enjoys his parents company more

Ill use my parents house as a base to store my stuff and drop in every now and a again to say hello until im ready to buy a house. It would be stupid to rent a house when im never there makes 0 sense. Im mainly surfing up at snapper or in indo enjoying life.
I dont have any of that. But i do get all my accomodation and food provided for nothing, save 3k a week have 300k ready to go for a deposit and still live with my parents at 24 (im never there anyway). Anddd i still think its overpriced..

Hi trey,

Could i ask wkat you do for a crust?That's a pretty good,sorry,a bloody tremendous result for a 24yr old!

Ill use my parents house as a base to store my stuff and drop in every now and a again to say hello until im ready to buy a house. It would be stupid to rent a house when im never there makes 0 sense. Im mainly surfing up at snapper or in indo enjoying life.

I'm mainly surfing up at snapper or in indo enjoying life.

Double quote via me but maybe taken out of text but ........

Cheers Spades.

Ps.trey do you watch south park? :p
Hi trey,

Could i ask wkat you do for a crust?That's a pretty good,sorry,a bloody tremendous result for a 24yr old!

Double quote via me but maybe taken out of text but ........

Cheers Spades.

Ps.trey do you watch south park? :p

cheers, just a tradie i do fifo. just fortunate enough to be working on the highest paying project in the country. i watch it sometimes.
Disagree. for people earning the average australian wage i do not believe the rise of income to buying house ratio is relative to the old days. My parents bought there house for 50k 25 years ago and earn t 30k. How is that relative? can anyone else in there 50s back me up on this?

The housing price to income ratio in 1989 was about 3 times.

So I'm not sure how to take your claim? If it's correct then it wasn't the norm back then. Plus interest rates were huge. Probably in the mid teens or so. I think it is way easier these days to buy a house taking into consideration the interest rates.

See ya's.
so the graph proves it however reliable it it.

Whats it? All it proves is that the housing to income ratio is higher now. Nothing to do with affordability.

It doesn't include that houses are bigger and better now, that food and cars and most other consumer goods are cheaper in real costs, doesn't include interest rates, doesn't account for most households being dual income these days.

Interest rates were 15% and higher in 1989. I know, as I owed a heap back then. So you would expect that the house to income ratio would have been much lower, and it was.

See ya's.
i understand the interest rate part, far out that would so good for savers. Houses are dual income for a reason its to expensive to survive otherwise.