Bus Load of Aussie Women Buying Up in NZ

just read this article about a bus load of Australian women buying 2 or 3 properties in NZ before returning home. Kiwis aren't happy about it, can't wait to hear the moans if and when the chinese that come in cruise ships start buying 10 properties or more... in cash before returning home. if it hasn't occurred already.


I wonder why so many woman are going over there in the first place? Is it find themselves a decent man? :D
But surely this is a joke, the boat has sailed, I think they are buying at peak, savvy investors like S MC have been buying up over the last 18 months,
Doesn't look like a joke to me...Seems to me that Australian woman are more serious than ever about big New Zealand decks ;)

Choice Bro :)

Organised buying tours like that are often behind the 8 ball. They hear all the 'facts' about the growth others are experiencing before them and jump on the baa-baa train - to NZ of course :rolleyes: