Melbourne April-May 2012 Somersoft Meeting - Matthew Flinders Chadstone

Hi All,

Sorry, have all sorts of things on that rule me out for next week :eek:

So the next Melbourne meeting will be a combination April/May one at

Bobby's Bistro located in the
Matthew Flinders Hotel
667 Warrigal Rd, Chadstone, Victoria, 3148,
(Near Holmesglen Station)

Tuesday 1st May
Start time: 7:00pm
Booked under "Somersoft"

Absolutely all welcome, but please RSVP on this thread so I can get a rough idea of numbers

The Y-man
Ah! The Matthew Flinders!

We always seem to get a good turnout for the Matthew Flinders

Mike and I will be there - we'll be the ones wearing the 'We Just Got New Tenants' grins!

James and I will be there - I'll be the one with the "I am not particularly comfortable in anything I wear" look on my face and protruding belly :p
I think I may have to regret this month:

Mike is running a training course which will require him to entertain the interstate techs after they finish crawling about machines for the day

I have a couple of marathon files on the desk - if I can come, I will - the fresh air (and dinner) would do me good, otherwise hope you all have a great dinner meeting and see you later in the month
