Feng Shui - The Secret - 2 Lucky Black Cats

Since there are a few messages of certain beliefs being posted lately, here is my story too.

Wife and i have no kids yet, so I wanted to get a cat for company.
I got my first little black cat about 14 months ago from the RSPCA and our finacial position totally changed. Then got another little black cat from my parents place on the South Coast, was kitten to a stray cat. Our financial position changed even more positively, well above any expectations. I look after them very well and love them very much, always trying to keep them happy and comfortable. I think they have brought us luck since we have had them. Maybe they have changed the way we are and act by having them around. My wife is Chinese so we also have one of those cats with a swinging arm to attract good fortune.
Also, for last months Melbourne cup I got each cat to chose a number and one of them picked the winner, a $900 profit.

I like to think of them as lucky. I always feel that if they are happy then good things seem to happen.

Don't think we will be getting anymore though, as we want to have lucky kids soon.

I think you're luck will continue as long as you don't make the cats angry, because when you're on the path of success don't cross a black cat!

Hmm, I think that's how it goes?

Michael G
Merry Christmas and all that stuff!