Property manager in Hurstville area ?


I am new to IP. looking to rent out my unit but have only had 1 inspection ( that is 1 group only ) in 1st week and a half of it being on market. Think i might change PM as he seems clueless.
Any recommendations for good PMs in Hurstville area?
Thanks guys .
I can share my experience of PM-hunting:
Ring around a few agencies and talk to the PM.
Find one who has a pleasant manner and is willing to negotiate, answer queries, proactive etc.
The way they interact with you is an indication of their work ethic and people skills.
Thanks. true i have tried and they all are very rude , unapproacheable , not very smart or have terrible reviews. i have run out of PMs in the area so really hoping someone might know of a good one, even if at first impression they seem no good...
Find one who has a pleasant manner and is willing to negotiate, answer queries, proactive etc.

What do you want to negotiate on? What trade offs are you prepared to wear? what services do you want them to charge you extra for when they give you a bargain basement rate? Do you want the most junior PM?
By 'negotiate' I meant more along the lines of 'work with the client to reach their goals'.
Rather than having an abrupt manner.

Experience brings realism.
In my own experience, PMs in their 30s and beyond seem better. This is based on my own experience only.
To the OP - have you really, honestly and truly rung every single agency not just in the hurstville area, but every agent in other areas who also service hurstville?
I would recommend keep trying.

BTW, Hurstville has a high proportion of ethnic chinese renters. You may or may not wish to choose an ethnic chinese PM. People debate the pros and cons of both. I don't wish to enter the debate on that issue at this point of time.
Hi Myhouse

The area doesnt seem to produce great property managers. I had 5 in 10 years and the best by far was Run Property at Hurstville.

The principal had the property managers landline redirected to his mobile if it rang out, so things were always actioned very promptly. My tenants were also very happy with them.

I sold that property last year so I have no recent experience. The principals name was Martin, they charged me 5%.

Quick net search shows they have changed their name -

Best of luck